TL1/TBS Training Program

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  • About the Program

    Translational Biomedical Science Program

    The goal of the GHUCCTS TBS program is to prepare predoctoral students (PhDs & dual MD-PhDs) and postdoctoral fellows (MDs & PhDs) to become the next generation of leaders in the translation of basic science into improved outcomes for health, aging and disease. Trainees are taught how to build and lead transdisciplinary collaborative research programs through engaging in dual mentored training experiences in preclinical and clinical research. Students and fellows receive didactic education in human health and disease that takes advantage of existing courses, seminars and workshops through GHUCCTS-sponsored activities and training programs including the master’s program in Clinical and Translational Science. TBS Scholars are also trained in: human subject research methodology & bioethics; grant writing & peer review; community engagement & team science; negotiation & networking; as well as other career enhancement skills that are tailored to the TBS Scholar’s Individualized Career Development Plan.

    The TBS Program capitalizes and expands upon the GHUCCTS established track record in cross-institutional training and research and leverages the rich partnerships that GHUCCTS has established among Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC), Howard University College of Medicine (HUCM), MedStar Health Research Institute (MHRI), the Washington, D.C. Veterans Administration (VA) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). | Read More

    TBS Training Program Executive Committee & Admin:

    Kathryn Sandberg, PhD headshot

    Kathryn Sandberg, PhD

    Dexter L. Lee, PhD

    Jason G. Umans, MD, PhD

    Danika Campbell, MBA

    Learn more about our Current TBS Scholars.

  • Requirements & Eligibility


    For Both Predoctoral students and Postdoctoral fellows:
    • Candidates must be a US citizen, non-citizen national, or a US permanent resident* (see FAQs);
    • Applicants must be able to commit to 1 full year in the TBS Program, regardless of funding changes;
    • Applicants must have a primary mentor from a GHUCCTS institution who has sufficient research funding and resources to support the applicant’s research for the duration of the training period at the time of award activation; and,
    • All candidates must demonstrate a commitment to translational biomedical research
    Specific for Predoctoral Students:
    • Pre-doctoral students must have passed their qualifying exam/been admitted to candidacy and be in good standing within their PhD program;
    • No Pre-doctoral student may have more than 4 years of National Research Service Award (NRSA) support are ineligible to apply for funding through the TL1 mechanism
    Specific for Postdoctoral Fellows:
    • No Postdoc applicant may have a US government training award including a National Research Service Award for more than 2 years at the time of award activation
    • Postdoctoral fellows must have full-time employment at a GHUCCTS institution for at least two months at the time of award activation
    • Postdoctoral Fellows must be early in their postdoctoral stage (no more than 2 years since the date of their terminal degree)

    Scholar/Mentor Expectations

    Mentor Qualifications: All mentors must be committed to the applicant’s individualized career development plan throughout the total period of this award. At least one member of the mentorship team must have a track record of successful trainees who have gone on to productive independent careers in biomedical research.

    Primary mentors must be from a GHUCCTS institution and have sufficient research resources (including funding, facilities, space, collaborations, access to key populations, technologies, and reagents) that will enable the trainee to conduct their research for the duration of this award and they must be able to fund the applicant for the entire duration of their project.

    Co-mentors need to enrich the applicant’s training across the clinical translational research continuum (T1­T­4) by providing complementary experiences, guidance, support, and perspectives that differ from the primary mentor’s discipline, specialty, or translational stage.

  • Application Process

    General Directions: 

    Read in its entirety before you submit your application.

    TBS Program Online Application Guide:

    • Applications are submitted as a merged single PDF file.
    • Text is single-spaced, Arial font, no smaller than 11 points, with margins at least ½ inch on all sides. 

      Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. 


    The Applicaiton Closed 6/3/24 

    A decision will be made in July 2024 with funding will start on September 1st, 2024.

  • Deadlines


    Interest Forms: Contact TBS Adminstrator |

    • Interest Form is not required
    • Those who complete the form will be given a chance to have a one-on-one meeting with the TBS review committee to help share their application shape and strengthen their applications

    Final Applications Deadline Has Passed

    Download 2024-2025 RFA 
